Release Date: February 2023

You can quickly and easily find all the information you need about your Live Blog in one place: number of unique users, page views, retention rate, etc. Use these insights to analyze your live blog's current performance and keep improving!

The "Views" and "Unique Users" within the statistics are calculated as follows:
Each request for ticker data is counted as a view, including automatic updates.
For unique users, the number is determined using a cookie with a randomly generated, unique identifier that each user receives. Private browsing can distort the number, as it cannot be counted in this case.

The displayed number of "Views" and "Unique Users" in the horizontal axis represents the total number of views for the entire period, meaning from the day the ticker was created until the current day, which can result in a very large number being shown.

In the chart itself, the number of "Views" appears again when clicking on any point within the chart. Here, the number of views for day x at time y is displayed. Alternatively, you can determine the period to be viewed by dragging and dropping, and then the corresponding numbers for the selected period will be shown.

In general, this statistics display counts the access to your own website / social media pages and (if enabled) via Tickaroo. The distinction with the respective numbers can be seen below the chart (under "URL").

Under (Unknown), views and uniques that cannot be assigned are listed, for example, because the link cannot be identified.

Additionally, EmbedJS is tracked (if used), which is also listed below the chart. The same applies to any integrations via iFrame, with the associated views and uniques listed under (Unknown).